How Can We Help?

If none of your questions are answered below feel free to send an email directly to and we will be happy to help.

Q: What does the Price modification field represent?

A: This is the percentage increase to apply to prices

Q: What does the Price rounding represent?

A: This is the decimal you would like to round towards.

e.g. A value of 2 rounds to the nearest cent, a value of 1 rounds to the nearest 10 cent, a value of 0 rounds to the nearest dollar, a value of -1 rounds to the nearest 10 dollar.

Q: How do I filter on select products

A: Click on the “Load items” button which will bring up a product picker where you can search for specific products

Q: Why does it take so long to update all products?

A: Shopify throttles the amount of products you can update at one time. If you have a significant amount of products then the app will spread it out to ensure that all products get modified. Please be patient as it updates them.